By: Dr. Zalmen Hankin // June 2022
The question of where is the livestock industry heading to in the future is being raised, while there are tough debates on its impacts on the environment. As was shown, livestock has numerous and diverse effects on environmental components and as so it is important to take these questions in account while planning management of the land. It means that with reducing expenses and increasing income, also improving sustainability of the grazing system (pasture condition and soil health) and animal welfare (decreasing stress) should be considered. The beef supply systems play a significant role in the global agri-food economy and the future of them depend heavily on the ability to improve their sustainability in terms of ecological impacts and efficiency with improving and optimizing the management of the land. Respect for the environment and animal welfare, as well as the quality and health safety of beef are corner stones for guiding the modern development of this sector. Grasslands cover about 30% of the global land surface and provide critical ecosystem services, these are reported due to the contribution of the farming system to landscape shaping, natural biodiversity conservation and the maintenance of the socio-cultural heritage maintaining. Among these services, carbon sequestration is most prominent. Because of the large rangelands extent, a small change in soil carbon stocks across rangeland ecosystems would have a large effect on greenhouse gas accounts. As so, soil organic carbon has long been of interest to scientists, technical advisers and land managers and serve as an indicator of soil health. As management practices can significantly influence carbon sequestration, an optimal management of the land is important to be conducted.
